Tuesday 2 July 2013

Hospital - A Prezi created by Sophie


  1. Hi Guys
    You guys have obviously had a lot of fun at the hangi and making prezzies about it.There was a lot of detail in your prezzies, I enjoyed looking at them. Missing you guys. Have settled into new school and made some new friends, but they are still not as good as you, ha ha.
    Keep up the great work.
    From Sophie

  2. Hi C.O.K.E.S
    I have loved looking at your blog with Sophie today. It made us homesick for MKK. My new job has lots of challenges and I am having to use lots of the habits of mind to help me succeed, persisting is a biggy and thinking flexibly.
    Miss Hunt and I have been reminiscing about MKK and when we were both there.....we have made some of the Richmond staff laugh with our tales of MKK.
    Keep up the great work.
