Monday 18 March 2013


A great way to celebrate Annabel McCallum's birthday was to treat everyone with a mouthwatering dessert. As we sang happy birthday we gazed upon ice-cream, syrups, marshmallows, sprinkles and other wonderful treats.We were sitting down on the grass with our bowl and spoon all eager to dig in. Finally the adults started calling people up. C-rrrr you could hear the cream piling up. And the syrups melting down the ice-cream. Now thats what I call scrumdidliumpcious!!!

Libby Spooner

1 comment:

  1. Hi Libby

    just sitting here i thought...

    maybe put a pic of some kids eatting dessert

    or put how well it tasted

    From Sophie.B

    P.S just a thought
